Enrico Schaefer: Welcome to Drone Law Pro Radio. Today we’re here with David Kovar. David is the founder of Kovar and Associates back in the day and now URSA, which is Unmanned and Robotic Systems Analysis. He is a really interesting guest because there’s a lot of activity and a lot of discussion around pilots and federal regulations, Part …
[Detroit, MI] In this episode of Drone Law Pro radio, autonomous attorney Enrico Schaefer interviews firefighter Jason Harrison about his encounter with police in Genessee County, MI. Follow the Drone Law Pro podcast here. Listen to show below. See video of the arrest below. See the video that he police accidentally captured of themselves by hitting ‘record’ on the drone. …
In this M2 TechCast interview, autonomous attorney Enrico Schaefer talks about the legal issues facing autonomous industry, from start-ups to established autonomous companies, from seed funding to venture capital, from trademark protection to licensing, Traverse Legal has the expertise to add value to your business. Contact one of our lawyers today if you are an autonomous company looking for legal …
Do you have a Part 107 Compliant sUAS Operations Manual? Learn more about Part 107 manuals by listening to this podcast or reading the trascript below. Also, find resources for Drone Operation manual forms, templates and examples below. Welcome to this edition of Drone Law Pro Radio. Your source of information for everything UAV. We are drone attorneys and …
[Detroit, MI] In this episode of Drone Law Pro Radio, drone attorney Enrico Schaefer Interviews CEO and founder of UAVCoach and Drone Pilot Ground School Alan Perlman about the current status of the UAV services market, and where it is going next. Quality can be more important than price. Flight training (general, industry specific and niche expertise) and software training (software …
[From Traverse Legal’s Detroit Law Office] The FAA is starting to grant more waivers from Part 107. While they have issued a significant number of daytime waivers (if you are looking for training to file your own daytime waiver, we offer free training here), allowing operations from a moving vehicle or aircraft is a bit more difficult to obtain from the …
In the DLP Radio episode embedded in this article below, we interview Isabella Gustave from UAVCoach.com and Colin Snow (aka Drone Analyst) from Skylogic Research about some of the key findings from the research results of Skylogic’s 2018 Drone Market Sector Report. This mission critical report is extensive and contains information every drone service business needs to know and covers many more topics …
Our team of UAS drone attorneys and industry specialist at the law firm of Traverse Legal, PLC provide essential UAV contracts and documents that are necessary for your professional drone business. We offer several contracts, agreements, manuals and intellectual property projection for both pilots and drone businesses. Consider our “OPs In A Box” – This legal document package and forms …
Welcome to our Webinar on Part 107 being provided by DroneLaw.Pro and Traverse Legal and by InterDrone the Industry’s Leading Conference for Commercial UAV. The Name of this Webinar is Part 107 Ask Me Anything Webinar We are going to be taking your questions. We will be giving you a good overview of Part 107. We also invite you to …
Drones and privacy continue to be a hot topic. While flying over someone’s property will continue to be hotly debated. But GDPR in Europe will also affect the trend towards privacy protection. Congress continues to consider different privacy laws which provide more rights to consumers. And your privacy policy on your website needs to inform consumers what personally identifiable information …