Hire a FAA Section 333 EXEMPTION Attorney: Start flying your drone for profit now.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through the Secretary of Transportation has drastically stepped up its allowance of Section 333 Petition exemptions for the commercial use of UAS / UAV/ Drones. sUAV Exemption petitions s under Section 333 are being granted at a rapid pace on a discretionary basis. If you or your company wish to apply for a Section 333 Exemption so that you can commence commercial operations of your UAS / drone, you can find resources below, or contact one of our drone law attorneys and drone industry professionals for more information. Chances are we already represent a client like you, on a matter like yours.
- Unmanned Aircraft System Section 333 Petitions Home Page- Federal Aviation Administration.
- FAA Authorizations Granted Via Section 333 Exemptions.
- Petitioning for Exemption under Section 333 through the FAA website.
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Frequently Asked Questions.
How Long Does It Take to Obtain a 333 Exemption?
It is now taking about 2 months to get through the drone Section 333 exemption process. All or nearly all exemptions are requiring a large number of common requirements, including airworthiness certification, speed limitations, maximum (typically 400) feet above ground level, driver’s license for operator, licensed drone pilots, line of sight, a number of safety requirements, functional test flights,pre-flight inspection, visual observer (VO). visual line of sight (VLOS), Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA), UAS manufacturer’s maintenance, overhaul, replacement, inspection, and life limit requirements compliance with all manufacturer safety bulletins, PIC must hold either an airline transport, commercial, private, recreational, or sport pilot certificate, no nighttime operations, UA may not operate within 5 nautical miles of an airport reference point (ARP), UA may not be operated less than 500 feet below or less than 2,000 feet horizontally from a cloud or when visibility is less than 3 statute miles from the PIC, etc.
What Types Drone Use Is The FAA Allowing?
Types of 333 petitions which the FAA is granting exemptions:
Surveying, aerial photography, videography and data acquisition for mine-related services.
Aerial videography and cinematography.
Aerial videography and cinematography. .
Search operations for missing persons
Aerial filming and photographing inspections
Aerial acquisitions and research
Aerial filming and photography for coverage of events, enhanced real estate listings, and structural inspections
Aerial videography and cinematography to enhance academic community awareness and to augment real estate listing videos
Aerial acquisitions and research over certain populated and rural areas of the United States
Aerial photography, structural inspections of bridges, pipelines, well and cell towers, real estate marketing, and surveys
Aerial survey, aerial photography and film and to assist search and rescue operations in remote areas.
Aerial photography, videography, thermal imaging, and inspection of electric transmission lines, electrical substations, gas pipelines, and associated telemetry equipment.
Aerial still photography.
Aerial photography, structural inspections of bridges, pipelines, well and cell towers, real estate marketing and surveys and other flight operations.
Precision agriculture, market research, surveying, mapping and inspection .
Aerial image data collection on leased federally owned land in support of the “New Energy Frontier” initiative.
Aerial surveying, remote sensing, precision agriculture, aerial filmmaking and photography, public entity support operations, utility system inspections and patrolling, construction site inspection and monitoring, wildlife and forestry monitoring, educational and research operations, flare stack inspection, and pipeline inspection and patrolling .
Commercial training of sUAS pilots and videography and photography of real estate property.
Geographic information system and professional survey services.
Operations involving creation of image maps, photographs, and videos of cellular phone towers.
Low altitude aerial photography and videography.
Flare stack inspection.
Roof and bridge inspections.
Aerial imaging for safety and monitoring of controlled access oil and gas facilities.
Electric transmission and distribution utility system monitoring, powerline inspections, and damage assessments.
Collect high quality, actionable data for use by agronomists, crop consultants, and forestry professionals.
One of our drone law attorneys can assist you or your company in preparing a Section 333 exemption if you need assistance.
FAA Section 333 Petitions are getting filed an an ever-increasing rate as businesses and photographers rush to obtain permission from the FAA to fly a drone for business purposes. The only way to fly a UAV for business right now is to get an exemption from the FAA. The rules of commercial drone use may not be completed for 18 months, or possibly much longer. You competition is going to start flying drones and making money. Will you be left behind?
Very interest!
Hello my name is Victor King and I am glad I came across your site. Man, I am glad. Also a littler big disappointed at the same time. I wish I have find you earlier. Anyway. Here is my question. I am taking a two days certification for the basic flying Drone in LA. I believe I signed up with Drone University that is having a workshop this Saturday and Sunday. Is there anything I need to do or know after I get certify? I am just learning for fun, but I wanted to know what I can and can not do. After I get my Drone. Would you be able to assist me with that? Or you think they should provide me with that information as well?